Kid’s Korner
Homemade Treats for Our Backyard Birds
Pine Cone Birdfeeders
You’ll need:
Foil or wax paper
Large pine cones
Peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
Use a large piece of foil or wax paper for your work area. Tie a piece of string around the pine cone, leaving 6-8 inches to attach the feeder to a tree branch. Spread peanut butter all over the pine cone and into the crevices. Roll in mixed birdseeds. Hang from a tree branch for birds.
Homemade Suet
You will need
1 Cup Vegetable Shortening
1 Cup Chunky Peanut Butter
2 Cups Cornmeal
2 Cups Quick Cook Oats
1/3 Cup Sugar
1 Cup White Flour
Melt shortening and peanut
Melt shortening and peanut butter together and blend. Stir in the rest of ingredients. Pour the mixture into a square container about 1-1/2 inches thick. Allow it to cool, then cut it into squares and store in the freezer.
Other Treats
Berries: Collect bunches of red berries from holly, highbush cranberry, also store bought cranberries, viburnum, spicebush and dogwood. Tie a string around each bunch and hang them on a tree.
Popcorn: String plain popped popcorn with a needle and thread and hang these natural garlands on a tree or bush.
Suet cake ornaments: Put a homemade suet cake in an empty plastic mesh bag from vegetables and hang it on a tree.
Indian corn: Tie a string about the end of the corn and hang it on the tree.