First Babies of the Season


Michelle Rice, squirrel rehabilitator received AIDA’s first babies of the season. Our local Eastern Fox (tree) Squirrels have litters twice a year and this is their first for 2021.

Under founding member, Toni Hicks; Michelle coordinates most of the squirrel rehab and makes sure that every squirrel gets to the proper squirrel rehabilitator, dependent upon their age and/or injuries and the reason they were brought to us

First babies of the season!! The first pic is 2 boys and one girl. The girl came first by herself. Then came the two boys. The girl was found by herself at the bottom of a tree at a park. And the boys were found on a door step. One had an injury to his back but he is doing well.

The next 3 pics are the 3,(2 boys 1 girl) I got today all fat and healthy. A branch broke from a tree and the nest was in it. The guy tried getting them back to mama but she never came. But what a good mama she was her nest it so pretty.


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